About CBP CBP is a sales and distribution company in the Orkla Food Ingredients division, and we have almost 100 years of experience in supplying quality ingredients for the pro- fessional production of bread and cakes. We offer ingredients, non-food, and bakery supplies to the food industry, and we support craft bakers, in-store bakeries, kitchens, and food service bakeries. And we are much more than an ingredient wholesaler. We pride ourselves on being a valued partner to our customers and business partners. We offer services 360 degrees around the customer’s business, providing expertise, consulting, business develop- ment, IT solutions, and marketing support that strengthen the customer’s operations, profitability, and success. We are the knowledge-center for our customers and take on the role of the communi- cator of fashion trends and consumer and market insights to all our partners. Based on our expertise, we provide customers with tailored advice, for example, on sustainable initiatives in their business. We make CBP’s many years of experience in developing products and concepts available - from idea to finished product. That’s what we call a good partnership. About the Orkla family Since 1999, CBP has been part of the Orkla family. Orkla is a leading supplier of bran- ded consumer products to retail, food service, pharmacy, specialty retail, and bakery markets in the Nordic, Baltic, and selected Central European countries. The Group is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and has its head office in Oslo. Orkla is committed to sustainability and is a signatory to the 2015 UN agreement and the UN Sustainability Plan. Orkla produces an annual sustainability report, which includes CBP figures. READ ORKLA’S ANNUAL REPORT HERE: HTTPS://AARSRAPPORT2020ORKLA.NO 5
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